Explore the visual culture of Hong Kong's streets with 霓虹黯色, a project developed by the Information Design Lab of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University's School of Design. Beginning in August 2015, the research team walked from Tsim Sha Tsui to Prince Edward, passing through Jordan, Yau Ma Tei, and Mong Kok, capturing over 500 neon signs along the way. Through photography, the team documented the neon signs before their removal, offering readers a glimpse into the visual culture of various industries.
「霓虹黯色」是理工大學設計學院之信息設計研究室 (Information Design Lab) 的霓虹招牌研究專案之一,此項研究由 2015年8月開始,研究團隊從尖沙咀徒步走到太子,途經佐敦、油麻地、旺角,踏遍15條主要馬路和40多條街道,除此之外,研究團隊也走到灣仔、銅鑼灣、荃葵青、深水埗和西貢等地方,記錄了超過500多個霓虹招牌,團隊透過攝影實地記錄還未拆卸的霓虹招牌,這好讓讀者從霓虹招牌照片中,窺探各行各業的視覺文化和本土美學特色,從而了解招牌如何建構香港街道想像和消費文化。總括來說,書中將集中分析現存霓虹招牌的視覺美學,並從中所催生的香港消費文化,也帶出每區的消費模式轉變,並探討霓虹招牌如何豐富我城的街道空間,並延伸我們的集體回憶。
People: Brian Kwok
Origin: Hong Kong
Content: Graphic Design, Typography, and Education
Size: 25(H) x 19(W) x 2.2(D) cm
Year: 2018
Pages: 349
Format: Paperback
ISBN10: 9620443772
ISBN13: 9789620443770
Language: Chinese (Traditional)
Condition: Used (Fine)