This series of works, known as "Tung Zan Baak Fo", was exhibited at the opening exhibition of the Hong Kong Art Museum. The artist used a Ming Dynasty blue and white porcelain as a starting point to recreate childhood memories through traditional pottery techniques, and to explore the meaning of art in a society and era. All the ceramic works in the exhibition were made by artist Annie using real and story-filled toy molds, casted and glazed to perfection. For complex art pieces, the molding process is not an easy task, and each piece requires a significant amount of time and effort.
尹麗娟(Anne WAN Lai-kuen)
生於香港,於香港中文大學藝術系取得學士及碩士學位。現任香港浸會大學視覺藝術院助理教授。 尹氏曾參與多次本地及海外展覽,並獲香港藝術發展局2018藝術家年奬(視覺藝術),「夏利豪基金會藝術比賽」雕塑組冠軍、「亞洲文化協會獎助金」、香港藝術推廣辦事處選為「藝遊鄰里計劃II」藝術家、香港藝術發展局頒發海外駐場獎金及在「香港藝術雙年展」中獲獎。亦曾在美國、日本及丹麥進行駐場藝術創作,及被日本信樂陶藝之森邀請為客座藝術家。作品為香港藝術館、香港文化博物館及海外藝術機構收藏。
Origin: Hong Kong
Content: Art
Language: None